Thursday, September 13, 2012

After being suspended...COMES BACK !!!Le due formiche inferocite(2 angry ants)ft il Gorino FREE DOWNLOAD! EN subsVIDEO IN DESC

As you already know reading the previous post  ..the message is important..
 I would like to add another short tale to the original Gorino's one'
"The song comes back after being suspended by soundcloud for "copyright infringement".
Basically you receive this message:

Friday, September 7, 2012

A new 5dvisions release !..this time the Mc is a very special one..  
please check out the En subs.. the Message is important !!!

In 1987, Vittorio Gorini aka"il Gorino"-"libero pensatore"(The free thinker), 72 by that time, bought a second-hand camera. Having it set in his home kitchen in Via dell' oro 2, in Perugia (ITALY), Gorino began to video-record. To achieve his target, every night, for several years, Vittorio sat in front of the camera: director, screenwriter, novelist..Telling his adventurous life events, his aim was to outline his personal life philosophy, condensed into 101 " wisdom messages "..This 5DIVIONS work is taken from the 20th tale : "The two angry ants" .. if you try to compare this to what is happening @ the present time.. well let us know your opinion !

Monday, June 18, 2012

This is the1st 5Dvision track ever made...
One day in 2010 the tv was by chance watching me when I heard something weird...
I had to find that video again !! When I finally had it.. this song came out..
A 5Dvision came into existence !

Saturday, May 26, 2012

5Dvisions 1st video release !!

I congratulate you with that !

Considerations on the meaning of secrecy ..
Featuring Larry K., Vladimir P.(his translator) & Ron P.
Enjoy & Share the vision...(It's a Secret !!:))